


This is a very basic space invaders implementation modelled on a daring and excellent livecoding talk given by Mary Rose Cook, http://vimeo.com/105955605. I thought it would be fun to 1) do it in Clojure, and 2) do it in a functional style by using the new fun-mode of quil introduced in 2.1.0.

Getting it running

This project requires Leiningen; you can find instructions on how to install it here: http://www.leiningen.org/

Download the project to a local directory:

git clone https://github.com/quephird/space-invaders

... move into that directory and run the following:

lein repl

Once in the Clojure REPL, issue the following:

(load-file "./src/space_invaders/core.clj")

Current features

This is a very basic game, my first actually, and so is nowhere near being a real game. So far, the only features that I've implemented are:


I am hoping to implement at least some of the following:

Useful links

The fabulous quil library written in Clojure, https://github.com/quil/quil

How to do things The Functional Way, https://github.com/quil/quil/wiki/Functional-mode-(fun-mode)

The equally kewl Processing environment: http://www.processing.org/


Copyright (C) 2014, ⅅ₳ℕⅈⅇℒℒⅇ Ƙⅇℱℱoℜⅆ Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.