


MIGRATED TO https://github.com/quavedev/meteor-packages/tree/main/collections

quave:collections is a Meteor package that allows you to create your collections in a standard way.



Every application that connects to databases usually need the following features:

Meteor has packages for almost all these use cases but it's not easy to find the best in each case and also how to use them together, that is why we have created this package.

We offer here a standard way for you to create your collections by configuring all these features in a function call createCollection using a bunch of options in a declarative way and without using Javascript classes.

We also allow you to extend your Meteor.users collection in the same way as any other collection.

We believe we are not reinventing the wheel in this package but what we are doing is like putting together the wheels in the vehicle :).


meteor add quave:collections

Optional installations

To use Type or Hooks options you need to install meteor-collection-hooks

meteor add matb33:collection-hooks

To use Schema options you need to install meteor-collection2

meteor add aldeed:collection2
meteor npm install simpl-schema

To use Helpers options you need to install meteor-collection-helpers

meteor add dburles:collection-helpers

Check the documentation of each package to learn how to use them.



Example applying collection property:

import { createCollection } from 'meteor/quave:collections';

export const AddressesCollection = createCollection({
  name: 'addresses',
  collection: {
    save(addressParam) {
      const address = { ...addressParam };

      if (address._id) {
        this.update(address._id, { $set: { ...address } });
        return address._id;
      delete address._id;
      return this.insert({ ...address });


Example applying SimpleSchema:

import { createCollection } from 'meteor/quave:collections';

import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';

const PlayerSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  name: {
    type: String,
  age: {
    type: SimpleSchema.Integer,

export const PlayersCollection = createCollection({
  name: 'players',
  schema: PlayerSchema,


Example creating a way to paginate the fetch of data using composers

import { createCollection } from 'meteor/quave:collections';

const LIMIT = 7;
export const paginable = collection =>
  Object.assign({}, collection, {
    getPaginated({ selector, options = {}, paginationAction }) {
      const { skip, limit } = paginationAction || { skip: 0, limit: LIMIT };
      const items = this.find(selector, {
      const total = this.find(selector).count();
      const nextSkip = skip + limit;
      const previousSkip = skip - limit;

      return {
        pagination: {
          totalPages: parseInt(total / limit, 10) + (total % limit > 0 ? 1 : 0),
            parseInt(skip / limit, 10) + (skip % limit > 0 ? 1 : 0) + 1,
          ...(nextSkip < total ? { next: { skip: nextSkip, limit } } : {}),
          ...(previousSkip >= 0
            ? { previous: { skip: previousSkip, limit } }
            : {}),

export const StoresCollection = createCollection({
  name: 'stores',
  composers: [paginable],

// This probably will come from the client, using Methods, REST, or GraphQL
// const paginationAction = {skip: XXX, limit: YYY};

const { items, pagination } = StoresCollection.getPaginated({
  selector: {
    ...(search ? { name: { $regex: search, $options: 'i' } } : {}),
  options: { sort: { updatedAt: -1 } },

A different example, a little bit more complex, overriding a few methods of the original collection in order to implement a soft removal (this example only works in quave:collections@1.1.0 or later).

import { createCollection } from 'meteor/quave:collections';

const toSelector = (filter) => {
  if (typeof filter === 'string') {
    return { _id: filter };
  return filter;

const filterOptions = (options = {}) => {
  if (options.ignoreSoftRemoved) {
    return {};
  return { isRemoved: { $ne: true } };

export const softRemoval = (collection) => {
  const originalFind = collection.find.bind(collection);
  const originalFindOne = collection.findOne.bind(collection);
  const originalUpdate = collection.update.bind(collection);
  const originalRemove = collection.remove.bind(collection);
  return Object.assign({}, collection, {
    find(selector, options) {
      return originalFind(
    findOne(selector, options) {
      return originalFindOne(
    remove(selector, options = {}) {
      if (options.hardRemove) {
        return originalRemove(selector);
      return originalUpdate(
          $set: {
            ...(options.$set || {}),
            isRemoved: true,
            removedAt: new Date(),
        { multi: true }
export const SourcesCollection = createCollection({
  name: 'sources',
  composers: [softRemoval],

// usage example
SourcesCollection.remove({ _id: 'KEFemSmeZ9EpNfkcH' }); // this will use the soft removal, it means, this setting `isRemoved` to true
SourcesCollection.remove({ _id: 'KEFemSmeZ9EpNfkcH' }, { hardRemove: true }); // this will remove in the database


Second argument for the default collections constructor. Example defining a transform function.

const transform = doc => ({
  get user() {
    return Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);

export const PlayersCollection = createCollection({
  name: 'players',
  options: {


Extending Meteor.users, also using collection, helpers, composers, apply.

You can use all these options also with name instead of instance.

import {createCollection} from 'meteor/quave:collections';

export const UsersCollection = createCollection({
  instance: Meteor.users,
  schema: UserTypeDef,
  collection: {
    isAdmin(userId) {
      const user = userId && this.findOne(userId, {fields: {profiles: 1}});
      return (
        user && user.profiles && user.profiles.includes(UserProfile.ADMIN.name)
  helpers: {
    toPaymentGatewayJson() {
      return {
        country: 'us',
        external_id: this._id,
        name: this.name,
        type: 'individual',
        email: this.email,
  composers: [paginable],
  apply(coll) {
    coll.after.insert(userAfterInsert(coll), {fetchPrevious: false});

