

Quave Code Challenge

Do you want to join Quave as a developer? Great. Read this document and then submit your solution. Good luck.

Machine setup

If you're new to Meteor, we recommend this tutorial to get familiar with it.

This project uses Meteor 3 with Node.js 20.

Use the Meteor 3 docs as a reference: https://docs.meteor.com

Challenge setup

Repository setup & process

How to install dependencies

meteor npm install

How to run

meteor npm start

What you need to deliver

A mini-application that allows event hosts to check people into an event.

The home page should show:

The list of people should allow the event host to:

Between the event selector and the list of people, display a summary like this:

The page needs to be reactive -- no refresh should be needed to display the latest data.

Implementation rules


How to deliver your challenge