


Quarto support for vim.

quarto-vim is a fork of the vim-rmarkdown plugin.

quarto-vim currently only handles syntax highlighthing for qmd files, however we'd very much like to add more of the features available in the excellent vim-pandoc plugin. If you are interested in contributing please get in touch by filing an issue or sending a pull request!


quarto-vim requires the vim-pandoc-syntax vim plugin.

quarto-vim's repo uses the typical bundle layout, so it's very simple to install using some plugin manager such as pathogen, Vundle or NeoBundle. For example, using Vundle you should add

Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plugin 'quarto-dev/quarto-vim'

to your .vimrc, source it, and execute :PluginInstall.

Using packer.nvim, you should add

   requires = {
   ft = {"quarto"},

to your .vimrc (or init.lua in Neovim).


Files with the .qmd extension are automatically detected as Quarto files and use highlithing rules from vim-pandoc-syntax (in addition to some special rules for Quarto executable code).


quarto-vim extends pandoc's markdown syntax so that:

import numpy as np
np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)


are recognized as Python and R code cells.

Inline R is also handled for the knitr engine:

inline unformatted text like `r 1 + 2` 

R and Python syntax is used within such fenced codeblocks and inline spans.