

Add to sitemap++

Add to sitemap++ is a BURP extension that can read URLs from files or clipboard and add the discovered information on the site map of the selected host(s).

Information doesn’t need to be structured, only readable strings. Regular expressions will handle the information.

Extension can handle many kinds of files but must be in URL structure (example https://www.example.com/), tested files are:

Install Extension:

Burp Suite > Extender > Extensions > Add > Extension type: Python > Extension file: Add_Sitemap++.py > Next

Credits for Nixawk's script helped me a lot. But I needed more files and clipboard with regex to be supported. Regex found on internet multiple locations (credits for the founder) can’t find it anymore, but you can try on https://regex101.com/r/pNc2cC/1 and fixed freely 😊.

