

QOR Admin

Instantly create a beautiful, cross platform, configurable Admin Interface and API for managing your data in minutes.

GoDoc Build Status

For security issues, please send us an email to security@getqor.com and give us time to respond BEFORE posting as an issue or reporting on public forums.


Quick Start

package main

import (
  _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"

// Create a GORM-backend model
type User struct {
  Name string

// Create another GORM-backend model
type Product struct {
  Name        string
  Description string

func main() {
  DB, _ := gorm.Open("sqlite3", "demo.db")
  DB.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Product{})

  // Initialize
  Admin := admin.New(&admin.AdminConfig{DB: DB})

  // Allow to use Admin to manage User, Product

  // initialize an HTTP request multiplexer
  mux := http.NewServeMux()

  // Mount admin interface to mux
  Admin.MountTo("/admin", mux)

  fmt.Println("Listening on: 9000")
  http.ListenAndServe(":9000", mux)

go run main.go and visit localhost:9000/admin to see the result!

How to use remoteSelector with publish2.version integrated record

For has many relationship

Suppose we have 2 models Factory and Item. Factory has many Items.

In the struct, you need add a field resource.CompositePrimaryKeyField to the "many" side, which is Item here.

type Factory struct {
	Name string

	Items       []Item `gorm:"many2many:factory_items;association_autoupdate:false"`
	ItemsSorter sorting.SortableCollection

type Item struct {
	Name string

	// github.com/qor/qor/resource
	resource.CompositePrimaryKeyField // Required

Then define a remote resource selector. You need configure the ID meta like below to make it support composite primary key, this is mandatory.

func generateRemoteItemSelector(adm *admin.Admin) (res *admin.Resource) {
	res = adm.AddResource(&Item{}, &admin.Config{Name: "ItemSelector"})
	res.IndexAttrs("ID", "Name")

	// Required. Convert single ID into composite primary key
	Name: "ID",
	Valuer: func(value interface{}, ctx *qor.Context) interface{} {
		if r, ok := value.(*Item); ok {
			// github.com/qor/qor/resource
			return resource.GenCompositePrimaryKey(r.ID, r.GetVersionName())
		return ""

	return res

Last, use it in the Factory resource.

itemSelector := generateRemoteItemSelector(adm)
	Name: "Items",
	Config: &admin.SelectManyConfig{
	RemoteDataResource: itemSelector,

For has one relationship

Suppose we have 2 models. Factory and Manager. Factory has one Manager.

First, In the struct, you need add a field resource.CompositePrimaryKeyField to the "one" side, which is Manager here.

type Factory struct {
	Name string

	ManagerID          uint
	ManagerVersionName string // Required. in "xxxVersionName" format.
	Manager            Manager

type Manager struct {
	Name string

	// github.com/qor/qor/resource
	resource.CompositePrimaryKeyField // Required

Then define a remote resource selector. You need configure the ID meta like below to make it support composite primary key, this is mandatory.

func generateRemoteManagerSelector(adm *admin.Admin) (res *admin.Resource) {
	res = adm.AddResource(&Manager{}, &admin.Config{Name: "ManagerSelector"})
	res.IndexAttrs("ID", "Name")

	// Required. Convert single ID into composite primary key
		Name: "ID",
		Valuer: func(value interface{}, ctx *qor.Context) interface{} {
			if r, ok := value.(*Manager); ok {
				// github.com/qor/qor/resource
				return resource.GenCompositePrimaryKey(r.ID, r.GetVersionName())
			return ""

	return res

Last, use it in the Factory resource.
managerSelector := generateRemoteManagerSelector(adm)
	Name: "Manager",
	Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{
		RemoteDataResource: managerSelector,

If you need to overwrite Collection. you have to pass composite primary key as the first element of the returning array instead of ID.

  Name: "Items",
  Config: &admin.SelectManyConfig{
	Collection: func(value interface{}, ctx *qor.Context) (results [][]string) {
		if c, ok := value.(*Factory); ok {
		var items []Item
		ctx.GetDB().Model(c).Related(&items, "Items")

		for _, p := range items {
		// The first element must be the composite primary key instead of ID
		results = append(results, []string{resource.GenCompositePrimaryKey(p.ID, p.GetVersionName()), p.Name})
	RemoteDataResource: itemSelector,

To support assign associations when creating a new version

If you want to assign associations when creating a new version of object immediately. You need to define a function called AssignVersionName to the versioned struct with pointer receiver which should contains the generating new version name's logic and assign the new version name to the object. e.g.

func (fac *Factory) AssignVersionName(db *gorm.DB) {
	var count int
	name := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
	if err := db.Model(&CollectionWithVersion{}).Where("id = ? AND version_name like ?", fac.ID, name+"%").Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
	fac.VersionName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-v%v", name, count+1)




To print all registered routes

// adm is a QOR admin instance

ViewPath Note

QOR was developed before go mod was introduced. So it still support go path while finding its template files. The priority is

  1. check vendor, if not found
  2. check $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/qor/admin@v0.x/views. the version would be detected automatically by your go.mod file, if still not found
  3. load view path from $GOPATH/src/github.com/qor/admin/views

So if you want to use the template under the pkg/mod, make sure $GOPATH/src/github.com/qor/admin is absent.


Released under the MIT License.