

Magento 2 Catalog Generator Module

This is a Magento 2 module for generating catalogs efficiently based on YAML configuration files. It supports the creation of categories, products, customer groups, websites, and more, directly using SQL queries for improved performance.


  1. Install the module using composer

    composer require qoliber/m2-catalog-generator
  2. Run the following commands to enable the module and clear cache:

    php bin/magento module:enable Qoliber_CatalogGenerator
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento cache:flush

How to use:

Command Usage

To generate a catalog, use the following console command:

php bin/magento qoliber:catalog:generate [file.yml]

Important information

Entire product catalog and related tables are completely wiped out of all testing / live data. **You can view CleanUp class in Sql directory

Replace [file.yml] with the path to your YAML configuration file. Sample configurations can be found in the _samples directory (small.yml, medium.yml, and large.yml).


php bin/magento qoliber:catalog:generate vendor/qoliber/m2-catalog-generator/_samples/small.yml

Module Features

Module Structure

Below is an overview of the module’s directory structure:

Key Components

Sample YAML Files

Example YAML files are available in the _samples directory:

Developer Notes

Example Classes:


This module is open-source and distributed under the MIT License.

For further questions or contributions, feel free to contact us or submit a pull request!