

Too many unwanted GitHub issue or PR notifications? Want more precise notifications? This web extension allows you to customize which GitHub Event to be notified.

Download: Chrome | Firefox | Edge (in review)

Use cases:


pnpm install
pnpm dev # auto open browser with hot reload


pnpm install
pnpm build # build for chrome

Open browser extension manager, turn on developer mode, load unpacked and add .output/chrome-mv3.


Notifications Updates

<img src="./screenshots/1280x800_updates.png" alt="Custom Notifications List" width="800"/>

Configure Notifications

<img src="./screenshots/1280x800_settings.png" alt="Configure Custom Notifications" width="800"/>

Options Page

<img src="./screenshots/1280x800_options.png" alt="Options Page" width="1000"/>

How to add a new notification event?

Please refer to src/lib/api for examples.

Contribution welcomed! You could create a PR to add a new event type to get notifications from.

Buy me a coffee ☕️

<p> If you like this extension, consider buying me a coffee. Your support will help me to continue maintaining this extension for <strong>free</strong>. </p> <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/qiwei" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > <img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" width="217" /> </a>