


Codes and datasets for ICLR2022 paper Handling Distribution Shifts on Graphs: An Invariance Perspective. For tutorial on this work, one can read this Chinese Blog. We will release an English version soon.

This work focuses on distribution shifts on graph data, especially node-level prediction tasks (i.e., samples have inter-dependence induced by a large graph), and proposes a new approach Explore-to-Extrapolate Risk Minimization (EERM) for out-of-distribution generalization.



PYTHON 3.7, PyTorch 1.9.0, PyTorch Geometric 1.7.2


In our experiment, we consider three types of distribution shifts with six real-world datasets. The information of experimental datasets is summarized in the following Table.


You can make a directory ./data and download all the datasets through the Google drive:


Here is a brief introduction for three distribution shifts and the datasets:

Running the code

We do not provide the trained model since the training cost for each experiment is acceptable. To run the code, please refer to the bash script run.sh in each folder. For example, the training script for Cora and Amazon-Photo (with GCN generating synthetic data) is

      # cora
      python main.py --method erm --dataset cora --gnn_gen gcn --gnn gcn --run 20 --lr 0.001 --device 0

      python main.py --method eerm --dataset cora --gnn_gen gcn --gnn gcn --lr 0.005 --K 10 --T 1 --num_sample 1 --beta 1.0 --lr_a 0.001 --run 20 --device 0

      # amazon-photo
      python main.py --method erm --dataset amazon-photo --gnn_gen gcn --gnn gcn --run 20 --lr 0.001 --device 0

      python main.py --method eerm --dataset amazon-photo --gnn_gen gcn --gnn gcn --lr 0.01 --K 5 --T 1 --num_sample 1 --beta 1.0 --lr_a 0.005 --run 20 --device 0

More information will be updated. Welcome to contact me echo740@sjtu.edu.cn for any question.

If you found the codes and datasets are useful, please cite our paper

      title = {Handling Distribution Shifts on Graphs: An Invariance Perspective},
      author = {Qitian Wu and Hengrui Zhang and Junchi Yan and David Wipf},
      booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
      year = {2022}