


Current version is 1.4.0-R8

Continuesly release under 1.4.0-R8-buildVersion

Build Status

Next Generation of ShadowsocksX with SSR support.

After Download Please check the GPG signature!

First get My pub key and import the Pub key

gpg --import pubkeys.txt

Then verify the signature

Place the .dmg and .dmg.sig file together in a directory

gpg --verify {drag the ShadowsocksX-NG-R8.dmg.sig into your terminal}


It's hard to maintain the original implement. There are too many unused code in it. It also embed ss-local source. It's crazy to maintain depandences of ss-local. So it's hard to update ss-local version.

Now I just copy the ss-local from home brew. Run ss-local executable as a Launch Agent in background. Serve pac js file as a file url. So there are only some souce code related to GUI left. Then I rewrite the GUI code by swift.





Different from orignal ShadowsocksX

Run ss-local as backgroud service through launchd, not in app process. So after you quit the app, the ss-local maybe is still running.

Add a manual mode which won't configure the system proxy settings. Then you could configure your apps to use socks5 proxy manual.


Contributions must be available on a separately named branch based on the latest version of the main branch develop.

ref: GitFlow


Know Issue

Solved Issue 1. Auto PAC & White list is not working on macOS 10.12 Serria because system proxy not allow file:/// protocol. Issue 2. The net speed is how ever have some problem with macOS 10.12, welcome logs from all users.


The project is released under the terms of GPLv3.