


We share the source codes by Google Drive, since some files are too large to upload to the repository in Github.

Source codes of "Multi-view Subspace Clustering Networks with Local and Global Graph Information" accepted by Neurocomputing 2021 can be found in: "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Of7042CyznYvR2oKNd6DCKtxMS7ISgWh?usp=sharing"

The exact Python and library versions that we have used are as follows. The follwing list is obtained by using the "pip list" comand in the python environment.

-------------------------------------------<br/> absl-py 0.15.0<br/> astor 0.8.1<br/> certifi 2021.5.30<br/> coverage 4.4.1<br/> cycler 0.11.0<br/> Cython 0.26<br/> decorator 4.4.2<br/> gast 0.2.2<br/> google-pasta 0.2.0<br/> grpcio 1.36.1<br/> h5py 2.10.0<br/> imageio 2.15.0<br/> joblib 1.1.1<br/> Keras-Applications 1.0.8<br/> Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2<br/> kiwisolver 1.3.1<br/> Markdown 3.1.1<br/> matplotlib 3.3.4<br/> mkl-fft 1.3.0<br/> mkl-random 1.1.1<br/> mkl-service 2.3.0<br/> munkres 1.1.4<br/> networkx 2.5.1<br/> numpy 1.19.2<br/> opt-einsum 3.3.0<br/> Pillow 8.4.0<br/> pip 21.2.2<br/> protobuf 3.17.2<br/> pyparsing 3.0.9<br/> pyreadline 2.1<br/> python-dateutil 2.8.2<br/> PyWavelets 1.1.1<br/> scikit-image 0.17.2<br/> scikit-learn 0.24.2<br/> scipy 1.5.2<br/> setuptools 58.0.4<br/> six 1.16.0<br/> tensorboard 2.0.0<br/> tensorflow 1.15.0<br/> tensorflow-estimator 1.15.0<br/> termcolor 1.1.0<br/> threadpoolctl 3.1.0<br/> tifffile 2020.9.3<br/> Werkzeug 0.16.1<br/> wheel 0.37.1<br/> wincertstore 0.2<br/> wrapt 1.12.1<br/> -------------------------------------------<br/>

If you find the codes useful in your research, please cite our work as follows, thanks.

@article{MSCNLG,<br/>     title={Multi-view Subspace Clustering Networks with Local and Global Graph Information},<br/>     author={Zheng, Qinghai and Zhu, Jihua and Ma, Yuanyuan and Li, Zhongyu and Tian, Zhiqiang},<br/>     journal={Neurocomputing},<br/>     year={2021},<br/>     volume={449},<br/>     pages={15--23},<br/>     publisher={Elsevier}<br/> }<br/>

Email: qhxjtu@163.com; zhengqinghai@fzu.edu.cn; zhengqinghai@stu.xjtu.edu.cn