

[ECCV 2022] Towards Accurate Active Camera Localization

*Qihang Fang, *Yingda Yin, †Qingnan Fan, Fei Xia, Siyan Dong, Sheng Wang, Jue Wang, Leonidas Guibas, †Baoquan Chen

*Equal contribution; ordered alphabetically | †Corresponding authors | Video | arXiv

<p align="center"> <img src="./images/turn_and_long.gif" alt="demonstration" width="85%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./images/4sequences.gif" alt="demonstration" width="100%"> </p>


git clone https://github.com/qhFang/AccurateACL.git --recursive


pip install -r requirements.txt

Passive localizer (random forest)

From docker image

The docker image contains a proper environment for the random forest. Run the following command to use the image.

docker pull qihfang/spaint_python3.6.8_cuda10.0_torch1.9.0_spaint:v1.0

Compile from source

  1. Dependencies

      - ArrayFire (version 3.3.2)
        Status: Optional (needed for touch interaction and median filtering)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_ARRAYFIRE
      - Boost (version 1.58.0)
        Status: Required
      - CUDA (version 7.5 or above)
        Status: Optional (needed for GPU acceleration)
        Default: Enabled
        Flag: WITH_CUDA
      - Eigen (version 3.2.2)
        Status: Required
      - GLEW (version 1.12.0)
        Status: Required on Windows/Ubuntu
      - InfiniTAM (version 3.5)
        Status: Required
      - Leap Motion SDK (version
        Status: Optional (needed for experimental Leap Motion support)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_LEAP
      - Oculus SDK (version
        Status: Optional (needed for Oculus Rift support)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_OVR
      - OpenCV (version 3.1.0)
        Status: Optional (needed for feature inspection mode)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_OPENCV
      - OpenGL
        Status: Required
      - OpenMP
        Status: Optional, but recommended (needed for faster training/prediction)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_OPENMP
        Notes: Doesn't work on Mac OS X
      - OpenNI (version 2)
        Status: Optional, but recommended (needed for live reconstruction)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_OPENNI
      - SDL (version 2-2.0.7)
        Status: Required
      - Vicon SDK
        Status: Optional (needed for the Vicon tracker)
        Default: Disabled
        Flag: WITH_VICON
  2. Build ALGLIB

    cd extensions/spaint/libraries
  3. Build

    Please make sure that the BUILD_GROVE, BUILD_GROVE_APPS, WITH_ALGLIB and WITH_OPENCV are set to ON and the ALGLIB_INCLUDE_DIR, ALGLIB_LIBRARY and ALGLIB_ROOT are set to your path.

    cd ..
    ./build-nix.sh "Unix Makefiles" Release
    cd build
    ccmake ..
    make -j8

Config paths

Please specify the paths in global_setting.py to your paths.


ACL-Synthetic and ACL-Real

<p> In the paper, we evaluate our algorithm on the ACL-Synthetic and ACL-Real datasets.

<strong>Some virtualizations of ACL-Synthetic dataset</strong>

<div align="center"><img src="./images/ACL-Synthetic.jpg" alt="demonstration" width="100%"></div>

<strong>Some virtualizations of ACL-Real dataset</strong>

<div align="center"><img src="./images/ACL-Real.jpg" alt="demonstration" width="100%"></div>

The ACL-Synthetic and ACL-Real datasets can be downloaded <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OIKUeQDfdNuxwyTlXP3KpJyk4p-Nsyjn/view?usp=sharing">here</a>.



<p> We further collect 120 high-quality indoor scenes. For each scene, we provide a .max format file which contains 3D models for all the furnitures with textures, and lighting effects, shading, and other 3D design elements.

<strong>Panorama example of ACL-Origin:</strong>

<div align="center"><img src="./images/panorama.jpg" alt="demonstration" width="100%"></div>

<strong>Rendering example of ACL-Origin:</strong>


The ACL-Origin datasets can be downloaded <a href="https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al4DaYqDq4-33STwLq83BAwxM6j2?e=m29Glv">here</a>.




python train/trainer.py --exp_name=training --env=EnvRelocUncertainty-v0 --net_type=uncertainty \
--snapshot_mode=all --batch_B=5 --batch_T=800 --batch_nn=40 --gpu=0 --gpu_cpp=1 --gpu_render=1 \


python test/policy_test.py \ 
--exp-name=test --scene-name=I43 --seq-name=seq-50cm-60deg \
--net-type=uncertainty --env=EnvRelocUncertainty-v0 --ckpt=ckpt/pretrained_model.pkl \
--cfg=configs/test.yaml --cuda-idx=0


  title={Towards Accurate Active Camera Localization},
  author={Fang, Qihang and Yin, Yingda and Fan, Qingnan and Xia, Fei and Dong, Siyan and Wang, Sheng and Wang, Jue and Guibas, Leonidas and Chen, Baoquan},


For any questions, feel free to contact the authors.

Qihang Fang: qihfang@gmail.com

Yingda Yin: yingda.yin@gmail.com

Qingnan Fan: fqnchina@gmail.com


This work was supported in part by NSFC Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges (62161146002), NSF grant IIS-1763268, a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, and a gift from the Amazon Research Awards program.

Our RL framework is based on RLPYT by Adam Stooke et al. and the passive relocalizer module is based on spaint by Stuart Golodetz et al.