

Complete starter seed project for Angular

Material Branch with Universal (Server-side rendering) support

Featuring Material Design 2, Webpack (and Webpack DLL plugin for faster dev builds), HMR (Hot Module Replacement), @ngrx for state management and optional server-side rendering with Universal.

You can use npm, but it's recommended to use yarn as it installs a lot faster and has other benefits https://yarnpkg.com/ . Make sure you are using yarn version 0.16.0 or newer (check with 'yarn --version')
git clone https://github.com/qdouble/angular-webpack-starter.git
cd angular-webpack-starter
yarn start

Material Branch without Universal (Server-side rendering) support

Bootstrap Branch

Bootstrap and Universal Branch

Minimal Branch


Project Goals

Basic scripts

Use yarn start for dev server. Default dev port is 3000.

Use yarn run start:hmr to run dev server in HMR mode.

Use yarn run build for production build.

Use yarn run server:prod for production server and production watch. Default production port is 8088.

Use yarn run universal to run production build in Universal. To run and build universal in AOT mode, use yarn run universal:aot. Default universal port is 8000.

Default ports and option to use proxy backend for dev server can be changed in constants.js file.

To create AOT version, run yarn run build:aot. This will compile and build script. Then you can use yarn run prodserver to see to serve files.

Store Logger

There is also an option to use store-logger which outputs ngrx action history to the console. To set your development mode store logging preference, go to the constant.js file and edit the STORE_DEV_TOOLS constant. Available options are logger | none

HMR (Hot Module Replacement)

HMR mode allows you to update a particular module without reloading the entire application. The current state of your app is also stored in @ngrx/store allowing you to make updates to your code without losing your currently stored state.

AOT Don'ts

The following are some things that will make AOT compile fail.


For unit tests, use yarn run test for continuous testing in watch mode and use yarn run test:once for single test. To view code coverage after running test, open coverage/html/index.html in your browser.

For e2e tests, use yarn run e2e. To run unit test and e2e test at the same time, use yarn run ci.

Wiki Links

Recommended Steps for merging this starter into existing project
