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Czkawka (tch•kav•ka (IPA: [ˈʧ̑kafka]), "hiccup" in Polish) is a simple, fast and free app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.

Krokiet ((IPA: [ˈkrɔcɛt]), "croquet" in Polish) same as above, but uses Slint frontend.




Changelog and new releases can be found in Github releases or in CHANGELOG.md.

More about latest version, you can find in Medium article

Usage, installation, compilation, requirements, license

Each tool uses different technologies, so you can find instructions for each of them in the appropriate file:

Comparison to other tools

Bleachbit is a master at finding and removing temporary files, while Czkawka only finds the most basic ones. So these two apps shouldn't be compared directly or be considered as an alternative to one another.

In this comparison remember, that even if app have same features they may work different(e.g. one app may have more options to choose than other).

Framework base languageCRustCC/C++/Obj-C/SwiftC
FrameworkGTK 4SlintPyGTK2Qt 5 (PyQt)/CocoaPyGTK3
Duplicate finder
Empty files
Empty folders
Temporary files
Big files
Similar images
Similar videos
Music duplicates(tags)
Invalid symlinks
Broken files
Names conflict
Invalid names/extensions
Installed packages
Bad ID
Non stripped binaries
Redundant whitespace
Overwriting files
Multiple languages
Cache support
In active developmentYesYesNoYesYes

Other apps

There are many similar applications to Czkawka on the Internet, which do some things better and some things worse:



Due to limited time, the biggest emphasis is on the GUI version so if you are looking for really good and feature-packed console apps, then take a look at these:


Contributions to this repository are welcome.

You can help by creating:

You can also help by doing other things:


Big thanks to Pádraig Brady, creator of fantastic FSlint, because without his work I wouldn't create this tool.

Thanks also to all the people who create patches for this program, make it available on other systems, create videos, articles about it etc.

Also, I really appreciate work of people that create crates on which Czkawka is based and for that I try to report bugs to make it even better.


If you are using the app, I would appreciate a donation for its further development, which can be done here.