


ts-unused-exports finds unused exported symbols in your Typescript project.

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License: MIT



npm install --save-dev ts-unused-exports

or, to install globally:

npm install -g ts-unused-exports


./node_modules/.bin/ts-unused-exports path/to/tsconfig.json [file1.ts ...] [options]

or, if installed globally:

ts-unused-exports path/to/tsconfig.json [file1.ts ...] [options]

Usage Options

Option nameDescriptionExample
allowUnusedEnumsAllow unused enums.--allowUnusedEnums
allowUnusedTypesAllow unused type or interface.--allowUnusedTypes
excludeDeclarationFilesExclude .d.ts files when looking for unused exports.--excludeDeclarationFiles
excludePathsFromReportExclude files from the output that match the given path segments or regex. The path segments or regexes are separated with a semi-colon.--excludePathsFromReport=math;utils
exitWithCountSet the process exit code to be the count of files that have unused exports.--exitWithCount
exitWithUnusedTypesCountSet the process exit code to be the total count of unused exported types.--exitWithUnusedTypesCount
findCompletelyUnusedFilesFind all completely unused files (where all exports are unused).--findCompletelyUnusedFiles
ignoreFilesIgnore files with filenames that match the given regex. Use this to exclude groups of files - for example test files and their utilities.--ignoreFiles=.*spec
ignoreLocallyUsedExports which are used in the same file they are defined in won't be reported as unused. Note that this may have an impact on performance in larger codebases.--ignoreLocallyUsed
ignoreProductionFilesOnly scan test files (so ignore non-test 'production' files).--ignoreProductionFiles
ignoreTestFilesOnly scan production files (ignore all test files, like spec.ts(x) or test.ts(x) or TestUtils.ts). Use this to detect production code that is only used in tests (so is dead code). Note: this will NOT detect unused exports in test code - for that, you can run ts-unused-exports separately with the --ignoreProductionFiles option.--ignoreTestFiles
maxIssuesReturn successfully for up to a given number of modules with unused exports.--maxIssues=7
searchNamespacesEnable searching for unused exports within namespaces. Note: this can affect performance on large codebases.--searchNamespaces
showLineNumberShow the line number and column of the unused export.--showLineNumber
silentDon't write on stdout on success.--silent

Note that if ts-unused-exports is called without files, the files will be read from the tsconfig's files or include key which must be present. If called with files, then those file paths should be relative to the tsconfig.json, just like you would specify them in your tsconfig's files key.

ts-unused-exports also resolves path aliases specified in tsconfig's paths object.

As of version 7.0.0 the TypeScript compiler is a peer dependency of ts-unused-exports. This means that if the TypeScript compiler is not already in the same spot as ts-unused-exports, you have to install it yourself (e.g. with npm i -D typescript).

Usage as a library

Usage as a library - From TypeScript (was built with ES5 + commonjs)

import analyzeTsConfig from 'ts-unused-exports';
const result = analyzeTsConfig('path/to/tsconfig.json');
// or const result = analyzeTsConfig('path/to/tsconfig.json', ['file1.ts']);
// or const result = analyzeTsConfig('path/to/tsconfig.json', ['file1.ts', '--excludePathsFromReport=math']);

// result : { [index:string] : ExportNameAndLocation[] }
// where the keys are file paths and the values are a structure descibing unused symbols:
// interface ExportNameAndLocation {
//   exportName: string;
//   location: LocationInFile;
// }

For an example see ./example/library-usage-via-TypeScript/.

Usage as a library - From JavaScript

From JavaScript - depending on your environment, you may need to navigate to reach the analyzeTsConfig() function.

import analyzeTsConfig from "ts-unused-exports";
const result = analyzeTsConfig.default('path/to/tsconfig.json');

For an example see ./example/library-usage-via-JavaScript/.

Why should I use this?

If you've ever used tslint's no-unused-variable rule you already known how awesome it is. What this rule does is detect code in your modules that is not being used so that you can remove it.

For example, say that you refactored your math.ts module so that you no longer use add1:

function add1(x: number) {
  return x + 1;
} // warning here

export default (x: number) => x + 1;

When run, tslint will complain that add1 is no longer in use.

Unfortunately, if your symbols are exported, tslint does not complain anymore. Effectively exporting a symbol anchors the symbol so that, even if nobody uses it, it will not be marked as dead code.

If you've ever found yourself mid-refactor fixing a particularly fiendish function only to realize later that nobody really uses it you know exactly what I mean.

ts-unused-exports fills this cross-module gap by complaining about exported symbols that no-one cares about.

In this sense, ts-unused-exports does not replace tslint but rather complements it by helping you detect unnecessary exports. Once those are fixed, tslint's no-unused-variable rule will kick in and tell you which code you can safely remove.


There is a (very silly) example in the example/simple directory.

If you want to run it you can:

git clone https://github.com/pzavolinsky/ts-unused-exports
cd ts-unused-exports
./bin/ts-unused-exports example/simple/tsconfig.json
# or: node ./bin/ts-unused-exports example/simple/tsconfig.json
# or: node bin\ts-unused-exports example\simple\tsconfig.json

The output should be:

2 modules with unused exports
/home/stuff/src/github/ts-unused-exports/example/simple/math.ts: add1
/home/stuff/src/github/ts-unused-exports/example/simple/unused.ts: unused

Exit Code

Normally, the exit code follows the convention used by eslint:

If the option --maxIssues=n is used, then linting is considered successful, if at most n issues are found.

If the option --exitWithCount is used, then the exit status will equal the number of offending modules:

echo $?
# or: echo %ERRORLEVEL%

Similarly, the option --exitWithUnusedTypesCount means that the exit status will equal the number of offending types.

Specifying which TypeScript files to check

If not using files or include inside your tsconfig (e.g. using webpack with ts-loader), you can explicitly specify the files to check in the command line:

./bin/ts-unused-exports example/simple/tsconfig.json app.ts math.ts

or, in a more generic way:

./bin/ts-unused-exports example/simple/tsconfig.json $(cd example/simple; find -name '*.ts')

You can use comment flags to ignore exports:

// ts-unused-exports:disable-next-line
export function add2(x: number) {
  return x + 2;


eslint plugins

ts-unused-exports can also be executed via this eslint plugin by Gajus Kuizinas.

Changelog (Release History)

To see what has changed in each version, please see our CHANGELOG.md.


ts-unused-exports is maintained by volunteers, working in their free time. If you'd like to help out, please see CONTRIBUTING.md.

ts-unused-exports was created by Patricio Zavolinsky. Improvements were contributed by the open source community.

Licence: MIT

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details