


This repo provides the code of Neuromorphic Imaging with Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising.

  title    =  {Neuromorphic Imaging with Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising},
  author   =  {Pei Zhang and Haosen Liu and Zhou Ge and Chutian Wang and Edmund Y. Lam},
  journal  =  {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
  volume   =  {33},
  pages    =  {2318--2333},
  month    =  {March},
  year     =  {2024},
  doi      =  {10.1109/TIP.2024.3374074},



Before start, please glance over the (good and failed) samples we upload in the folders data and results.


  1. Put your image file and its corresponding event data in the folder you specify by configs.data in demo.m (default: data).
  2. The event data must be in .mat and with t, x, y, p entries.


Run demo.m with the following configurations:

configs.dir:              your dir name
configs.data:             folder to store input data
configs.results:          folder to store output results
configs.blur:             input image file
configs.evs:              input event file
configs.dvs_resolution:   DVS spatial resolution
configs.alpha:            weight of the event regularizer
configs.beta:             weight of the l_0 regularizer
configs.sigma:            weight of the Gaussian regularizer
configs.weight:           weight of gradient supervision
configs.N:                find neighbors (1) or not (0)
configs.dx:               spatial threshold to specify a square boundary of the neighbors
configs.dt:               temporal threshold to specify a boundary of the neighbors
configs.case:             specify a use case (-1, 1, 2)

For convenience, we split our algorithm into 3 functions, which are controlled by configs.case:

  1. configs.case = -1 for experiencing joint image deblurring and event denoising.
  2. configs.case = 1 for image deblurring only (if you have a blurry image and clean events). The following configurations are disabled (any value): configs.weight, configs.N, configs.dx, configs.dt.
  3. configs.case = 2 for event denoising only (if you have a sharp image and noisy events). The following configurations are disabled (any value): configs.alpha, configs.beta, configs.sigma.


Once done, up to 4 files are generated in the folder you specify by configs.results in demo.m (default: results):

  1. xxx_configs.mat: record the configurations used
  2. xxx_sharp.png: restored sharp image (only for configs.case = -1 and configs.case = 1)
  3. xxx_kernel.png: estimated blur kernel (only for configs.case = -1 and configs.case = 1)
  4. xxx_signals.mat: denoised events (only for configs.case = -1 and configs.case = 2)


DATA Our real dataset has multiple pairs of blurry images and noisy event streams recorded by a DAVIS346 camera on a rich range of scenarios. Download it from here.