

<div align="center"> <img height="100" src="assets/logo.png"/> <h2> TUI for <a href="https://lobste.rs"> lobste.rs </a> website </h2> <img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/13584eba-7373-4516-9f42-1b16651cd9e6"/> </div>

🚀 Installation

📥 Binary release

You can download the pre-built binaries from the release page release page

📦 crates.io

You can install lobtui from crates.io

cargo install lobtui

🐧 Arch Linux

You can install lobtui from the AUR using your favorite AUR helper. For example:

paru -S lobtui

🚩 NetBSD

You can install lobtui from the official repositories.

pkgin install lobtui

⚒️ Build from source

Run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/pythops/lobtui
cd lobtui
cargo build --release

Then run strip to reduce the size of the binary

strip target/release/lobtui

This will produce an executable file at target/release/lobtui that you can copy to a directory in your $PATH.

🪄 Usage

j or Down : scroll down.

k or Up: scroll up.

gg: go to the top of the page.

G: go the bottom of the page.

n: next page.

p: previous page.

r: reload the current page.

o: open the highlighted story in the browser.

⚖️ License