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cibuildwheelWheels Actions Status
<!-- TODO: get a real badge link for appveyor -->

An example project built with pybind11. This requires Python 3.7+; for older versions of Python, check the commit history.


CI Examples

There are examples for CI in .github/workflows. A simple way to produces binary "wheels" for all platforms is illustrated in the "wheels.yml" file, using cibuildwheel. You can also see a basic recipe for building and testing in pip.yml, and conda.yml has an example of a conda recipe build.

Building the documentation

Documentation for the example project is generated using Sphinx. Sphinx has the ability to automatically inspect the signatures and documentation strings in the extension module to generate beautiful documentation in a variety formats. The following command generates HTML-based reference documentation; for other formats please refer to the Sphinx manual:


pybind11 is provided under a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you agree to the terms and conditions of this license.

Test call

import python_example
python_example.add(1, 2)