

<p align="center"><img src="logo.png" alt="logo" width="350px"></p>


The MIT License

License: MIT


This bot provides you weather info about any city in the world !

You have a few commands to do:

Search by find_city command.

Just write a city name like this:


The bot is going to answer:

1. Barajas de Madrid,ES
2. Comunidad de Madrid,ES
3. General La Madrid,AR
4. Humanes de Madrid,ES
5. Lamadrid,ES
6. Las Rozas de Madrid,ES
7. Madrid,CO
8. Madrid,ES
9. Madrid,MX
10. Madrid,PH
11. Madrid,US,IA
12. Madridanos,ES
13. Madridejos,ES
14. Madridejos,PH
15. New Madrid,US,MO
16. Partido de General La Madrid,AR
17. Provincia de Madrid,ES
18. Rivas-Vaciamadrid,ES
19. Valmadrid,ES

Then choose a number and get weather info.


You can see them in Cargo.toml file.

Run the bot

You will need to create these environment variables.

Setup Postgres Database

Start PostgreSQL container.

$ make db

Runs the migrations

$ make diesel

Run the bot

$ make run

Stop Docker PostgresSQL DB

$ make stop

Run full bot with Docker compose

Set these environments values in .env file.

$ make compose

This will run both containers, PostgreSQL container and Bot container

3rd Party Documentations

<!--- ## Future functions The bot will send a daily message of weather info if user activate the option -->