

Official repo

⚠️⚠️⚠️ The official repo for PyFVCOM is at:


⚠️⚠️⚠️ This version is no longer updated regularly.

Welcome to PyFVCOM!

Table of contents


PyFVCOM is a collection of various tools and utilities which can be used to extract, analyse and plot input and output files from FVCOM as well as generate model inputs.


Easiest way is to install with pip/pip3:

pip install PyFVCOM

If you want to install the development version, checkout the `dev' branch and then from within the top-level directory:

git clone git@gitlab.ecosystem-modelling.pml.ac.uk:fvcom/pyfvcom.git ./PyFVCOM
git checkout dev
pip install --user -e .

We are targeting Python 3.6+. PyFVCOM no longer supports Python 2.

We recommend Jupyter (formerly iPython) for interactive use of PyFVCOM (and python generally).

If you want to install PyFVCOM within a conda environment the suggested approach is [other than wait until the package is ported to Conda]:

conda create -n pyfvcom 
conda activate pyfvcom 
conda install pip
# in my case I had to manually install the requirements in conda before using pip to install PyFVCOM
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install shapely
conda install cartopy
cd ~/myinstallationdirectory/pyfvcom 
pip install -e .



The examples directory includes some Jupyter notebooks of some brief examples of how to use PyFVCOM. There are also sample scripts of those notebooks.

Quick oneliners:

Grid tools

Model data

Miscellaneous tools

Coding conventions


Cazenave, P. W. et al. (2018). PyFVCOM (version x.x.x) [software]. Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom: Plymouth Marine Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1422462