


TLSR826x/825x COM port Swire Writer Utility

Telink SWIRE simulation on a COM port.

Using only the COM port, downloads and runs the program in SRAM for TLSR826x or TLSR825x chips.


Don't forget to connect GND.

If the module does not have a RESET pin from the chip, then the RTS signal from the COM port can be connected as the module power supply - connect it to +3.3 V of the module.

If the module has a RESET pin, then it is advisable to connect the module power supply to +3.3 V, and connect RESET to RTS.

usage: ComSwireWriter [-h] [--port PORT] [--tact TACT] [--file FILE] [--baud BAUD]

TLSR826x ComSwireWriter Utility version 21.02.20

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --port PORT, -p PORT  Serial port device (default: COM1)
    --tact TACT, -t TACT  Time Activation ms (0-off, default: 600 ms)
    --file FILE, -f FILE  Filename to load (default: floader.bin)
    --baud BAUD, -b BAUD  UART Baud Rate (default: 230400)

Added TLSR825xComFlasher:

usage: TLSR825xComFlasher.py [-h] [-p PORT] [-t TACT] [-c CLK] [-b BAUD] [-r]
	                         {rf,wf,es,ea} ...

TLSR825x Flasher version 00.00.02

positional arguments:
  {rf,wf,es,ea}         TLSR825xComFlasher {command} -h for additional help
    rf                  Read Flash to binary file
    wf                  Write file to Flash with sectors erases
    es                  Erase Region (sectors) of Flash
    ea                  Erase All Flash

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Serial port device (default: COM1)
  -t TACT, --tact TACT  Time Activation ms (0-off, default: 0 ms)
  -c CLK, --clk CLK     SWire CLK (default: auto, 0 - auto)
  -b BAUD, --baud BAUD  UART Baud Rate (default: 921600, min: 340000)
  -r, --run             CPU Run (post main processing)
  -d, --debug           Debug info



Write full flash: python.exe TLSR825xComFlasher.py -p COM3 -t 70 wf 0 Original_full_flash_Xiaomi_LYWSD03MMC.bin

TLSR825x Flasher version 00.00.02
Open COM3, 921600 baud...
Reset module (RTS low)...
Activate (70 ms)...
UART-SWS 92160 baud. SW-CLK ~23.0 MHz(?)
Inputfile: Original_full_flash_Xiaomi_LYWSD03MMC.bin
Write Flash data 0x00000000 to 0x00080000...
Worked Time: 48.761 sec