


This is the dataset for the ACL2018 paper:

"Van-Thuy Phi, Joan Santoso, Masashi Shimbo and Yuji Matsumoto. Ranking-Based Automatic Seed Selection and Noise Reduction for Weakly Supervised Relation Extraction. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics."

There are no datasets available for all fine-grained subtypes of the PART-WHOLE relation so far. WordNet provides some semantic relations, such as synonymy, hypernonymy, and meronymy. From examples of meronymy (or the part-whole relation), part-whole pairs are divided into Part-Of, Member-Of, and Substance-Of sub-categories. Nevertheless, they do not cover the variety of the part-whole relationship.

We provide an annotated dataset of part-whole relations as a reliable resource for selecting seed sets. The part-whole relation includes following subtypes:

  1. Component-Of
  2. Member-Of
  3. Portion-Of
  4. Stuff-Of
  5. Located-In
  6. Contained-In
  7. Phase-Of
  8. Participates-In

We use the above part-whole taxonomy as it is well-structured, clearly-presented, and it contains all subtypes in previous ontological studies (see Phi and Matsumoto, 2016 for details).

FORMAT of the annotation file:

Please CITE the above paper whenever this dataset is used to produce published results or incorporated into other software.