


A simple tool for labeling object bounding boxes in images, implemented with Python Tkinter.


Screenshot: Label Tool

Data Organization

|--main.py # source code for the tool
|--Images/ # direcotry containing the images to be labeled
|--Labels/ # direcotry for the labeling results
|--Examples/ # direcotry for the example bboxes



$ python main.py


  1. The current tool requires that the images to be labeled reside in /Images/001, /Images/002, etc. You will need to modify the code if you want to label images elsewhere.
  2. Input a folder number (e.g, 1, 2, 5...), and click Load. The images in the folder, along with a few example results will be loaded.
  3. To create a new bounding box, left-click to select the first vertex. Moving the mouse to draw a rectangle, and left-click again to select the second vertex.
  1. After finishing one image, click Next to advance. Likewise, click Prev to reverse. Or, input an image id and click Go to navigate to the speficied image.