


CI Release Pursuit Maintainer: garyb

Effect type and function for accessing the current machine's date and time.


Install now with Spago:

spago install now

Quick start

The functions provided by now can be used to get the current date and time from the current machine's system clock.

Here are two example functions that print out the current year and time:

import Prelude
import Data.DateTime
import Data.Enum
import Effect
import Effect.Console
import Effect.Now

printCurrentYear :: Effect Unit
printCurrentYear = do
  currentDate <- nowDate
    currentYear = fromEnum $ year currentDate :: Int
  log $ "The current year is " <> show currentYear

printCurrentTime :: Effect Unit
printCurrentTime = do
  currentTime <- nowTime
    currentHour = fromEnum $ hour currentTime :: Int
    currentMinute = fromEnum $ minute currentTime :: Int
  log $ "The current time is " <> show currentHour <> ":" <> show currentMinute

We can then try these functions out in a REPL:

> printCurrentYear
The current year is 2021

> printCurrentTime
The current time is 1:54


now documentation is stored in a few places:

  1. Module documentation is published on Pursuit.
  2. Written documentation is kept in the docs directory.
  3. Usage examples can be found in the test suite.

If you get stuck, there are several ways to get help:


You can contribute to now in several ways:

  1. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please open an issue. We'll do our best to work with you to resolve or answer it.

  2. If you would like to contribute code, tests, or documentation, please read the contributor guide. It's a short, helpful introduction to contributing to this library, including development instructions.

  3. If you have written a library, tutorial, guide, or other resource based on this package, please share it on the PureScript Discourse! Writing libraries and learning resources are a great way to help this library succeed.