

The TclPro Debugger version 3.0 is an upgrade of of the debugger included in the TclPro product version 1.5 released and open-sourced by Scriptics Corporation.

Notably, this fork of TclProDebug provides a Debug Adapter Protocol implementation allowing it to be used by any client implementing that protocol, including:

Note: It's only tested with Vimspector.


To install: You will need to install the extension in lib/tclparser to add the parse command to Tcl.

cd lib/tclparser && autoreconf && ./configure && make install

Debug Adapter

To use the debug adapter with vimspector, use the following example .vimspector.json:

    "adapters": {
        "tclpro": {
            "name": "tclpro",
            "command": [
    "configurations": {
        "launch": {
            "adapter": "tclpro",
            "configuration": {
                "request": "launch",
                "tclsh": "/usr/bin/wish",
                "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
                "target": "${workspaceRoot}/main.tcl",
                "args": [ "this", "is", "a", "test" ]



To run the standalone GUI: execute the file bin/prodebug

The Help menu item on the Debugger's menu bar has an option to open the TclPro user's guide, which will appear as a PDF file in the user's default browser. The information in the chapter on the Debugger is still valid.

Changes since TclPro

The debugger code has been upgraded to function with up-to-date releases of Tcl/Tk (i.e., versions 8.5, 8.6):