

Personal Blog

My personal Jeremy Shaw blog made using Hexo. Uses Firebase Hosting and Functions.

Uses an entirely custom Hexo theme which can be found in themes/jeremy-blog-hexo.

Jeremy Shaw Personal Blog Post Screenshot Screenshot of an example blog post layout


There is currently an issue whereby hexo generate generates empty index.html files when using NodeJS v14 -> v16. Please use NodeJS 12 to build this project.


View all Hexo commands at https://hexo.io/docs/commands

View all Firebase commands at https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli/

To setup the configuration, please rename _config.yml.example to _config.yml.

Start the server

hexo server

Generate static files

hexo generate

Create new article

hexo new [layout] <title>
hexo new post "Example Post"

Clean the cache and generated files

hexo clean

Index the posts in Algolia for search functionality

hexo algolia

Start the local Firebase server

firebase serve

Deploy to Firebase

firebase deploy


MIT © Jeremy Shaw