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This Emacs library provides commands and a minor mode for easily reformatting Nix source code using the nixpkgs-fmt command.


If you choose not to use one of the convenient packages in MELPA, you'll need to add the directory containing nixpkgs-fmt.el to your load-path, and then (require 'nixpkgs-fmt).


Customise the nixpkgs-fmt-command variable as desired, then call nixpkgs-fmt-buffer or nixpkgs-fmt-region as convenient.

Enable nixpkgs-fmt-on-save-mode in Nix buffers like this:

(add-hook 'nix-mode-hook 'nixpkgs-fmt-on-save-mode)

or locally to your project with a form in your .dir-locals.el like this:

   (mode . nixpkgs-fmt-on-save)))

You might like to bind nixpkgs-fmt or nixpkgs-fmt-buffer to a key, e.g. with:

(define-key 'nix-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'nixpkgs-fmt)

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