


A server which saves my clipboard (in memory), so I can share it between my devices.

This has both a CLI interface and a web interface -- I use termux on my phone to communicate with my server (with server_clipboard <c|p> (copy/paste)); On other devices I don't have a terminal on, this has a web interface at /:

<img src="https://github.com/purarue/server_clipboard/blob/main/frontend/demo.png" alt="screencap of server html page">


Install golang (requires 1.18+)

You can clone and run go build, or:

go install -v "github.com/purarue/server_clipboard/cmd/server_clipboard@latest"

which downloads, builds and puts the binary on your $GOBIN.


Run server_clipboard server on a remote server somewhere, update your ~/.bashrc/~/.zshenv to include a password/remote address:

export CLIPBOARD_PASSWORD='i8nCzZnSY4hlHwUF9Ny15vqtPjfezpMHKZll0030Gn1p17Uiw7'
export CLIPBOARD_ADDRESS='http://mywebsite.com/clipboard'
   server_clipboard - share clipboard between devices using a server

   server_clipboard [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   server, s  start server
   copy, c    copy to server clipboard
   paste, p   paste from server clipboard
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --port value, -p value  port to listen on (default: 5025) [$CLIPBOARD_PORT]
   --password value        password to use [$CLIPBOARD_PASSWORD]
   --server_address value  server address to connect to (default: "localhost:5025") [$CLIPBOARD_ADDRESS]
   --help, -h              show help (default: false)

This automatically detects which operating system you're on and uses the corresponding clipboard commands, see clipboard.go. If this can't, set the CLIPBOARD_COPY_COMMAND and CLIPBOARD_PASTE_COMMAND environment variables (those commands should read/write from/to STDIN/STDOUT)


If you want to clear the clipboard after a certain amount of time, you can use the --clear-after flag. For example, to clear the clipboard after 10 minutes:

server_clipboard server --clear-after 600