

Trapperkeeper Scheduler Service

Build Status

Clojars Project

A Trapperkeeper service that provides a simple API for scheduling background tasks.

Other Trapperkeeper services may specify a dependency on the Scheduler service, and then use its functions to schedule and cancel jobs to be run on background worker threads.

What Does This Service Do?

The SchedulerService provides some simple API for scheduling (potentially recurring) background tasks. The service manages the lifecycle of the underlying scheduling subsystem so that other services don't need to (and avoids potential issues around multiple services attempting to initialize the same scheduling subystem in a single JVM process).

The functions that are currently available are as follows:

Implementation Details

A configuration value is available under scheduler->thread-count that controls the number of threads used internally by the quartz library for job scheduling. If not specified, it defaults to 10, which is the quartz internal default.

The current implementation of the SchedulerService is a wrapper around the org.quartz-scheduler/quartz library.

What's Next?


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