

Cat or Dog?

Build Status

Mobile game where you need swipe photos of animals to match categories. I've made it just for fun and as some Animated api practice.

youtube video:

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gt7zs4TfBrc"><img height="250" src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/Gt7zs4TfBrc/0.jpg" alt="video link"></a> </div>

build with

react-native, redux, react-native-gesture-handler.

No ads, gsm, etc..

To do


make sure ci is green

adding\changing photos

  1. add photo file to src/img
  2. add new item to src/data/index.js
const photoExample = {
       resource: require("../img/fat_cat_1.jpg"),
       source: "url to photo source, if required",
       tags: ["cat", "fat cat"]

adding\changing levels.

you change levels here src/data/levels.js

const levelExample = {
        name: "name of level",
		passingScore: 50, // score to pass level
		leftCategory: "sad dog", 
		rightCategory: "dressed cat",
		newItemProvider: x => 5000 - x * 10, // time of item number x producing
		fallingIntervalProvider: x => 4000 - x * 5 // duration of item number x falling down



<img height="70" src="./bugsnag_logo_navy.svg"/>