


Node.js agar.io developer tools for:


Agar developers made completely new code for game, agario-devtools will not work anymore. Check agario-client changelog for more info.


You need Node.js (i used v0.10.21 so anything higher should work). Also you need ws lib. You can install it using npm install ws. If you see error about python, its okay. Its optional dependency.



Each script can accept params, you can see them in node <name>.js --help:


This script record games so you can watch it later. If you are developing a bot, you can record his games to analyze it later. Or you can record your games and then show it to bot to debug it (any input from bot will be ignored). Or even record your bot games and then show them to bot to debug logic. Recording will stop only when streamer is disconnected.


This script plays recorded games. You can connect to it with web browser and watch recorded games. Or connect your bot/client and debug it. Balls will have same IDs and movements any time you connect.


This script receives data from streamer and sends it to agar.io server. Received data from agar.io server is sent to all viewers, connected to repeater. So if you are developing a bot with agario-client, you can watch through web browser in real time what your bot is doing on agar.io server.


node player.js --help #display help
node player.js #play demo.rec on default port
node player.js --file record.rec --viewer-port 7777 #play file record.rec on port 7777
node recorder.js #record gameplay on any server in default region
node recorder.js --region EU-London --server-type experimental #record gameplay for random experimental server in EU-London
node recorder.js --region ZZ-Unsupported --force #ignore supported regions list and use "ZZ-Unsupported" region
node repeater.js --server-type party --region EU-London #connect/create random party in EU-London
node repeater.js --server-type party --server-key XY9BU #connect to party XY9BU
node repeater.js #connect to any server in default region


Almost every update of agar.io breaks something new for devtools.

If you have more tips, feel free to pull request it here.


If something is broken, please email me or create issue. I will not know that something is broken until somebody will tell me that.