

NEMO (NEural Minimizer for pytOrch)

NEMO (NEural Minimizer for pytOrch) is a small library for minimization of Deep Neural Networks developed in PyTorch, aimed at their deployment on ultra-low power, highly memory constrained platforms, in particular (but not exclusively) PULP-based microcontrollers. NEMO features include:

NEMO operates on three different "levels" of quantization-aware DNN representations, all built upon torch.nn.Module and torch.autograd.Function:

NEMO is organized as a Python library that can be applied with relatively small changes to an existing PyTorch based script or training framework.

Installation and requirements

The NEMO library currently supports PyTorch >= 1.3.1 and runs on Python >= 3.5. To install it from PyPI, just run:

pip install pytorch-nemo

You can also install a development (and editable) version of NEMO by directly downloading this repo:

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/nemo
cd nemo
pip install -e .

Then, you can import it in your script using

import nemo



Full documentation for NEMO is under development (see doc folder). You can find a technical report covering the deployment-aware quantization methodology here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05930


NEMO is released under Apache 2.0, see the LICENSE file in the root of this repository for details.



NEMO is an outcome of the European Commission Horizon 2020 ALOHA Project, funded under the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant agreement no. 780788.