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A Leaflet-based HTML interface for selecting a "blurred" or low-resolution location, to preserve privacy.

Try the demo here: https://publiclab.github.io/leaflet-blurred-location/examples/


How it works

When "blurring" is enabled (as by default), leaflet-blurred-location will truncate the latitude and longitude of the input location to the given precision -- which is set based on the zoom level of the displayed map.

By comparison: "Did you know? Google Analytics rounds latitude and longitude to 4 digits, thus, providing a maximum precision of 11.1m." (miles) -- radical-analytics.com leaflet-blurred-location provides a flexible means of truncating coordinates to different lengths through a visual interface.

Note that a change in longitude precision (say, from 0.12 to 0.1) will translate to different real-world distances depending on the latitude north or south -- because the longitude grid is more compact near the Earth's poles, where it converges. One degree of longitude at the latitude of New York City is roughly 80km, while it's 111km at the equator. See this chart for longitude lengths at different latitudes:

111.320 km
15°107.551 km
30°96.486 km
45°78.847 km
60°55.800 km
75°28.902 km
90°0.000 km

Precision and zoom

The precision of locations is displayed as a map with a grid overlay, where each grid cell is based on the latitude/longitude degree grid, but subdivided to precision number of decimal places.

So for a precision of 2, the grid has 0.01 degree spacing. For precision of 5, it has 0.00001 degree spacing.

Precision 1 would look like this:

|72.0,44.3           |72.0,44.4           |
|                    |                    |
|                    |                    |
|                    |                    |
|72.1,44.3           |72.1,44.4           |
|                    |                    |
|                    |                    |
|                    |                    |

Zooming into the upper left square would then break that up into 10 subdivisions from 72.00 to 72.09 and 44.30 to 44.39, and increase the precision by 1.

We've tried to get the actual map zoom level to correlate reasonably to the value of precision, on these lines of code to best display grids on varying screen sizes and zoom levels.

We're open to variations on this if you have suggestions; please open an issue!.

Human-readable blurring

Leaflet.BlurredLocation also tries to return a human readable string description of location at a specificity which corresponds to the displayed precision of the location selected.It also specifies the scale in a human readable format for the grid on the map using the button 'Show scale in km'.

More coming soon on this, see https://github.com/publiclab/leaflet-blurred-location/issues/98

Our (draft) table to correlate zoom level, precision, and human-readable scale (from "country" to "building") is as follows:

Zoom levelLat/lon coordinate precisionHuman-readable placename
5x0.0state, province, country
6x.0state, province, region
100.xcity, postal code

Setting up leaflet-blurred-location

To set up the library first clone this repo to your local environment; then run 'npm install' to install all the necessary packages required. Open examples/index.html to look at the preview of the library.

Compulsory add these for spinner to work :

<script src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/makinacorpus/Leaflet.Spin/example/spin/dist/spin.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/makinacorpus/Leaflet.Spin/leaflet.spin.min.js"></script>

There is a simpler version as well which is a simple location entry namely examples/simple.html, you can view an online demo at https://mridulnagpal.github.io/leaflet-blurred-location/examples/simple.html

To use slider for map zoom you need to include these CDNs to your html.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-slider/10.2.0/bootstrap-slider.js" integrity="sha256-0w/fZPAdu72g2CGIv9Ha8Lp9qXAjls4R2QmMJ5B2Qb4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-slider/10.2.0/css/bootstrap-slider.min.css" />

Creating a map object

To create a new object just call the constructor 'BlurredLocation' as shown in the following example: (There must a div with id="map" in your html to hold the object)

// this "constructs" an instance of the library:
var blurredLocation = new BlurredLocation({
  lat: 41.01,
  lon: -85.66

blurredLocation.getLat(); // should return 41.01
blurredLocation.getLon(); // should return -85.66


We welcome contributions, and are especially interested in welcoming first time contributors. Read more about how to contribute below! We especially welcome contributions from people from groups under-represented in free and open source software!



blurredLocationthe initial co-ordinates of the map{ lat: 1.0, lon: 1.0 }
zoomthe initial zoom of the map6
mapIDthe ID of the map container'map'
pixelsthe pixel size to calculate precision400
precisionTablethe table of precision:zoom for calculating zoom levels{'-2': 2, '-1': 3, '0':6, '1':10, '2':13, '3':16}

Interface options

latIdthe input to set latitude'lat'
lngIdthe input to set longitude'lng'
geocodeButtonIdthe division to wrapping "Get my location" for inserting spinner icons'ldi-geocode-button'
scaleDisplayElement to display scale in km'scale'


MethodsUseUsage (Example)
blurredLocation.getLat()get the current latitude of map centerreturns a decimal
blurredLocation.getLon()get the current latitude of map centerreturns a decimal
blurredLocation.goTo(lat, lon, zoom)three parameters: latitude, longitude and zoom, set the map centerlocation.goTo(44.51, -89.99, 13) sets center of map to 44.51, -89.99 with zoom set as 13
blurredLocation.isBlurred()returns true if blurring is on; that is, if the location is being partially obscuredreturns a boolean true / false
blurredLocation.setBlurred(boolean)Enables "location blurring" to obscure the location: the location will be obscured to the smallest latitude/longitude grid square which the map center falls in
blurredLocation.getFullLat()Returns non-truncated latitude of map center, regardless of precisionlocation.getFullLat() returns decimal
blurredLocation.getFullLon()Returns non-truncated longitude of map center, regardless of precisionlocation.getFullLon() returns decimal
blurredLocation.getPrecision()Returns precision of degrees -- represented by width or height of one grid cell. Returns an integer which represents the number of decimal places occupied by one cell. For instance, a precision of 1 will mean 0.1 degrees per cell, 2 will mean 0.01 degrees, and so onlocation.getPrecision() This would return the precision of the map at the current zoom level.
blurredLocation.getPlacenameFromCoordinates()Returns human-readable location name of a specific latitude and longitude. This would take in 3 arguments namely latitude, longitude and a callback function which is called on success and would return address of the location pinpointed by those co-ordinatesblurredLocation.getPlacenameFromCoordinates(43, 43, function(result) { console.log(result) } This would return the output to the console
blurredLocation.mapUsed to access the Leaflet object
blurredLocation.setZoomByPrecision(precision)Zooms map to the correct zoom level for the given precision according to either the provided or default precisionTable, as set in the options.blurredLocation.setZoomByPrecision(2) would zoom the map to the zoom value of 13 using the default precisionTable
blurredLocation.getZoomByPrecision(precision)Returns the correct zoom level for the given precision according to either the provided or default precisionTable, as set in the options. Does not change the map.blurredLocation.setZoomByPrecision(0) would return 6 using the default precisionTable
blurredLocation.setZoom(zoom)Zooms the map to the given zoom value
blurredLocation.getZoom()Returns the current zoom levelblurredLocation.getZoom() would return an integer
blurredLocation.getPrecisionFromNum(num)Calculates the precision value of a given floatblurredLocation.getPrecisionFromNum(12.345) would return 3


'Blurred' location inputYour exact location won't be posted, only the grid square it falls within will be shown. Zoom out to make it harder to tell exactly where your location is. Drag the map to change your location and the amount of blurring.
'Blurred' human-readable locationCurrent location of the map will be reverse geocoded and the name of the location will be displayed. The extent of address depends on the precision level you currently are on. For instance for precision 0 only the country name will be provided as you zoom in precision will increase and so will the address details, such as state, city, etc.
Truncated co-ordinatesYou may enter co-ordinates in the input boxes, string search or pan the map to a certain location and the co-ordinate input boxes will be truncated with the current location of the map with appropriate precision as well.
Browser-based geolocationUses the browser geolocation API to request location and pan the map there.


Automated tests are an essential way to ensure that new changes don't break existing functionality, and can help you be confident that your code is ready to be merged in. We use Jasmine for testing: https://jasmine.github.io/2.4/introduction.html

To run tests, open /test.html in a browser. If you have phantomjs installed, you can run grunt jasmine to run tests on the commandline.

You can find the installation instructions for phantomjs in its official build documentation. For Ubuntu/debian based system you can follow these instructions or use the script mentioned there.

To add new tests, edit the *_spec.js files in /spec/javascripts/.


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First Time?

New to open source/free software? Here is a selection of issues we've made especially for first-timers. We're here to help, so just ask if one looks interesting : https://github.com/publiclab/leaflet-blurred-location/labels/first-timers-only