

AnimeGAN Pytorch <a href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/ptran1203/pytorch-animeGAN/blob/master/notebooks/animeGAN_inference.ipynb" target="_parent"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open In Colab" data-canonical-src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg"></a>

Pytorch implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation

<!-- |![c1](./example/gif/city.gif)|![g1](./example/gif/city_anime.gif)| -->

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/ptran1203/pytorch-animeGAN.git
cd pytorch-animeGAN

Run Inference on your local machine

--src can be directory or image file

python3 inference.py --weight hayao:v2 --src /your/path/to/image_dir --out /path/to/output_dir
from inference import Predictor

predictor= Predictor(
    # if set True, generated image will retain original color as input image

url = 'https://github.com/ptran1203/pytorch-animeGAN/blob/master/example/result/real/1%20(20).jpg?raw=true'

predictor.transform_file(url, "anime.jpg")

Pretrained weight

Model nameModelDatasetWeight
HayaoAnimeGANtrain_photo + Hayao stylegenerator_hayao.pt
ShinkaiAnimeGANtrain_photo + Shinkai stylegenerator_shinkai.pt
Hayao:v2AnimeGANv2Google Landmark v2 + Hayao styleGeneratorV2_gldv2_Hayao.pt
Shinkai:v2AnimeGANv2Google Landmark v2 + Shinkai styleGeneratorV2_gldv2_Shinkai.pt
Arcane:v2AnimeGANv2Face ffhq + Arcane styleGeneratorV2_ffhq_Arcane_210624_e350.pt

Train on custom dataset

1. Prepare dataset

1.1 To download dataset from the paper, run below command

wget -O anime-gan.zip https://github.com/ptran1203/pytorch-animeGAN/releases/download/v1.0/dataset_v1.zip
unzip anime-gan.zip

=> The dataset folder can be found in your current folder with named dataset

1.2 Create custom data from anime video

You need to have a video file located on your machine.

Step 1. Create anime images from the video

python3 script/video_to_images.py --video-path /path/to/your_video.mp4\
                                --save-path dataset/MyCustomData/style\
                                --image-size 256\

Step 2. Create edge-smooth version of dataset from Step 1.

python3 script/edge_smooth.py --dataset MyCustomData --image-size 256

2. Train animeGAN

To train the animeGAN from command line, you can run train.py as the following:

python3 train.py --anime_image_dir dataset/Hayao \
                --real_image_dir dataset/photo_train \
                --model v2 \                 # animeGAN version, can be v1 or v2
                --batch 8 \
                --amp \                      # Turn on Automatic Mixed Precision training
                --init_epochs 10 \
                --exp_dir runs \
                --save-interval 1 \
                --gan-loss lsgan \           # one of [lsgan, hinge, bce]
                --init-lr 1e-4 \
                --lr-g 2e-5 \
                --lr-d 4e-5 \
                --wadvd 300.0\               # Aversarial loss weight for D
                --wadvg 300.0\               # Aversarial loss weight for G
                --wcon 1.5\                  # Content loss weight
                --wgra 3.0\                  # Gram loss weight
                --wcol 30.0\                 # Color loss weight
                --use_sn\                    # If set, use spectral normalization, default is False

3. Transform images

To convert images in a folder or single image, run inference.py, for example:

--src and --out can be a directory or a file

python3 inference.py --weight path/to/Generator.pt \
                     --src dataset/test/HR_photo \
                     --out inference_images

4. Transform video

To convert a video to anime version:

Be careful when choosing --batch-size, it might lead to CUDA memory error if the resolution of the video is too large

python3 inference.py --weight hayao:v2\
                        --src test_vid_3.mp4\
                        --out test_vid_3_anime.mp4\
                        --batch-size 4

Result of AnimeGAN v2

InputHayao style v2
<details> <summary><strong> More results - Hayao V2 </strong></summary>

<!-- ![](./example/more/hayao_v2/pexels-sevenstormphotography-575362.jpg) --> </details> <!-- ### Objective: - Learn to map photo domain **P** to animation domain **A**. - **AnimeGAN** is Trained using unpaired data includes N photos and M animation images: + S(p) = {p(i) | i = 1, ..., N} ⊂ **P** + S(a) = {a(i) | i = 1, ..., M} ⊂ **A** + S(x) = {x(i) | i = 1, ..., M} ⊂ **X**, grayscale version of **A** + S(e) = {e(i) | i = 1, ..., N} ⊂ **E**, Obtained by removing the edges of **A** + S(y) = {y(i) | i = 1, ..., N} ⊂ **Y**, grayscale version of **E** #### Loss functions - Grayscale Gram matrix to make G(x) have the texture of anime images instread of color (transfer texture, not color) Loss function ``` L(G, D) = W(adv)L(adv)(G, D) + W(con)L(con)(G, D) + W(gra)L(gra)(G, D) + W(col)L(col)(G,D) ``` 1. Adversarial loss (LSGAN) ``` L(adv)(D) = 0.5 * (D(x_anime) - 1)^2 + 0.5 * (D(G(x_photo)))^2 L(adv)(G) = 0.5 (D(G(x_photo)) - 1)^2 ``` 2. Content loss ``` L(con)(G, D) = ||VGG(x_photo) - VGG(G(x_photo))|| ``` 3. Gram matrix loss ``` L(gra)(G, D) = ||gram(VGG(G(x_photo))) - Gram(VGG(x_anime_gray))|| ``` 4. Color recontruction loss ``` L(col)(G, D) = || Y(G(x_photo)) - Y(x_photo) || + Huber(|| U(G(x_photo)) - U(x_photo) ||) + Huber(|| V(G(x_photo)) - V(x_photo) ||) ``` -->