

GitHub pre-commit Release


zsh plugin for installing and loading sdkman

This plugin come with completion scripts and aliases

Table of content

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As this plugin install sdkman, you'll need some packages to ensure this plugin to work :


Once the plugin installed, sdkman will be available

Bundle zsh-sdkman in your .zshrc

antigen bundle ptavares/zsh-sdkman

Load zsh-sdkman as a plugin in your .zshrc

zplug "ptavares/zsh-sdkman"

Include the load command in your .zshrc

zget load ptavares/zsh-sdkman

Clone zsh-sdkman into your custom plugins repo and load as a plugin in your .zshrc

git clone https://github.com/ptavares/zsh-sdkman.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-sdkman

Keep in mind that plugins need to be added before oh-my-zsh.sh is sourced.

Clone this repository somewhere (~/.zsh-sdkman for example) and source it in your .zshrc

git clone https://github.com/ptavares/zsh-sdkman ~/.zsh-sdkman
source ~/.zsh-sdkman/zsh-sdkman.plugin.zsh

Usage help

Sdkman can be used as usual:

Usage: sdk <command> [candidate] [version]
       sdk offline <enable|disable>

       install   or i    <candidate> [version] [local-path]
       uninstall or rm   <candidate> <version>
       list      or ls   [candidate]
       use       or u    <candidate> <version>
       default   or d    <candidate> [version]
       home      or h    <candidate> <version>
       env       or e    [init]
       current   or c    [candidate]
       upgrade   or ug   [candidate]
       version   or v
       broadcast or b
       offline           [enable|disable]
       selfupdate        [force]
       flush             <broadcast|archives|temp>

   candidate  :  the SDK to install: groovy, scala, grails, gradle, kotlin, etc.
                 use list command for comprehensive list of candidates
                 eg: $ sdk list
   version    :  where optional, defaults to latest stable if not provided
                 eg: $ sdk install groovy
   local-path :  optional path to an existing local installation
                 eg: $ sdk install groovy 2.4.13-local /opt/groovy-2.4.13

Usage alias

Here is the list of aliases available through this plugin:

sdkisdk install
sdkunsdk uninstall
sdklssdk list
sdkusdk use
sdkdsdk default
sdkcsdk current
sdkupsdk upgrade
sdkvsdk version
sdkbsdk broadcast
sdkosdk offline
sdksusdk selfupdate
sdkfsdk flush

Updating sdkman

The plugin comes with a zsh function to update sdkman manually

# From zsh shell
