A .NET headless browser, written in C#
The project is a test-driven headless browser, that implements the following features:
- [TODO] Synchronous HTML downloader
- [TODO] Custom header support (user-agent)
- [TODO] Form POST and GET support, including fields
- [TODO] Link support (clicking)
- [TODO] Cookie support
- [TODO] Selector support (jQuery/Sizzler style .class,#id,td etc.)
- [TODO] IWebDriver support
- [TODO] Support automatic batch runs
- [TODO] Some kind of XML format for the batch runs (and webinject XML format support)
It's currently work in progress.
- RestSharp for the HTTP library, and not HttpClient. This gives us POST, GET support along with querystring/header support.
- Testable-Turtles-all-the-way-down architecture: composition over inheritence
- StructureMap for dependencies
- HtmlAgility Pack with Sizzler for selector support or...
- CSQuery for HTML parsing