Eplot is a small graph drawing tool that can be used from command prompt via the escript eplot or it could be used from erlang code using egd_graph module.
Erlang/OTP, preferable R13B but earlier should work.
wx, if you plan to view graph immediately Erlang should be compiled with wx support enabled. Otherwise only file output can be used.
Eplot usage:
eplot [options] file1 file2 ...
where options are:
-o Filename, defaults to png image-format,
-type Type, bitmap_raw | png | eps,
-width W, Width, in pixels, of output,
-height H, Height, in pixels, of output,
-render_engine RE, alpha | opaque, type of render engine,
-plot Plot, plot2d | bar2d, plot type
-x_label Label, X-axis label,
-y_label Label, Y-axis label,
-x_ticksize TS, X-axis ticksize,
-y_ticksize TS, y-axis ticksize,
$> bin/eplot -o test1.png example/data1.dat example/data2.dat
egd_chart.erl usage:
See source file for info.
Eplot ToDo:
- document stuff
- different symbols for different line entries
- support multiple font and sizes (egd dependent)
- line thickness (egd dependent)
- additional graph types
eplot uses EGD as an backend to draw graphs. EGD lacks some features which should be implemented.
- polygon triangulation, filled triangles can be drawn fine but not polygons.
- Truetype support
- Line thickness/stroke size