

jConstraints-z3: Installation Guide and Manual

jConstraints-z3 is a plugin for jConstraints, adding support for Z3 as a constraint solver.


Z3 is not distributed along with jConstraints-z3, but is available at The Z3 Theorem Prover's GitHub repository.

Building and Installing

Building and Installing Z3

Note: Installing Z3 requires git, python, maven, and a C++ compiler to be installed and to reside in your PATH environment variable.

The following instructions are taken from the README from The Z3 Theorem Prover's GitHub repository.

First, clone Z3:

git clone https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git

Make sure that you use the 4.4.1 release:

git checkout z3-4.4.1

Next, we generate a Z3 Makefile with the --java option to get the Z3 Java bindings.

python scripts/mk_make.py --java

Now, we build Z3

cd build
make all

Make sure to install libz3.so and libz3java.so (extension .dylib in OSX) to a global library folder or to one that is contained in your java.library.path property (the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for OS X).

Install the com.microsoft.z3.jar file from the build directory of your Z3 working copy into the local Maven directory:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=com.microsoft.z3.jar -DgroupId=com.microsoft -DartifactId=z3 -Dversion=4.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar

Building and Installing jConstraints-z3


jconstraints-z3 supports setting some of the options in z3 via constructor parameters or configuration options:

z3.timeout=[timeout in millis]

