

Reducto is a port of Redux to .NET

Build Status NuGet Release

What is Reducto?

Reducto is a keeper of the state for your app. It helps to organize the logic that changes that state. Really useful for GUI apps in combination with(but not limited to) MVVM, MVC, MVP etc.

lines of code~260
packagingNuGet PCL


In Package Manager Console run

PM> Install-Package Reducto

Key concepts

Dispatching an action to the store is the only way to change its state.<br> Dispatching an async action cannot change the state but it can dispatch actions which in turn can change the state.

How does one use this thing?

Here is a short example of Reducto in action. Let's write an app that authenticates a user.

First, let's define the actions that we will need:

// Actions

public struct LoginStarted 
    public string Username; 

public struct LoginFailed {}

public struct LoginSucceeded 
    public string Token;

Next is the state of our app

// State

public enum LoginStatus 
    LoginInProgress, LoggedIn, NotLoggedIn

public struct AppState
    public LoginStatus Status;
    public String Username;
    public String Token;

Here is how the actions change the state of the app

var reducer = new SimpleReducer<AppState>()
    .When<LoginStarted>((state, action) => {
        state.Username = action.Username;
        state.Token = "";
        state.Status = LoginStatus.LoginInProgress;
        return state;
    .When<LoginSucceeded>((state, action) => {
        state.Token = action.Token;
        state.Status = LoginStatus.LoggedIn;
        return state;
    .When<LoginFailed>((state, action) => {
        state.Status = LoginStatus.NotLoggedIn;
        return state;

var store = new Store<AppState>(reducer);

Now let's take a moment to see what is going on here. We made a reducer using a builder and define how each action changes the state. This reducer is provieded to the store so the store can use it whenever an action is dispatched to it. Makes sense so far? I hope so ;)

Now let's see what is dispatching actions to the store. One can do that directly but more often then not it will be done from inside an async action like this one

var loginAsyncAction = store.asyncAction(async(dispatch, getState) => {
    dispatch(new LoginStarted{Username = "John Doe"});

    // faking authentication of user
    await Task.Delay(500);
    var authenticated = new Random().Next() % 2 == 0;

    if (authenticated) {
        dispatch(new LoginSucceeded{Token = "1234"});
    } else {
        dispatch(new LoginFailed());
    return  authenticated;

A lot going on here. The async action gets a dispatch and a getState delegates. The latter one is not used in our case but the former is used a lot. We dispatch an action to signal the login process has started and then again after it has finished and depending on the outcome of the operation. How do we use this async action?

// or if you need to know the result of the login you can do also
var logged = await store.Dispatch(loginAsyncAction);

For more examples and please checkout the links below in the Resources section


A couple of links on my blog

What about the name?

It is pure magic ;-)