


Library to convert a URL into a image data URI or objectURL

Supported features

How to use


async function getCoolThumbnail() {
  const url = 'https://mycool.com/videosite/video.mp4';
  const thumbnailURI = await videoThumbnail(url);
  // Do something with `thumbnailURI`


async function getCoolThumbnail() {
  const url = 'https://mycool.com/videosite/video.mp4';
  const time = 0.1; // Grab thumbnail from 10% into the video
  const size = 480; // Maximum of 480px wide thumbnail
  const type = 'dataURI'; // `videoThumbnail` can return a `dataURI` or `objectURL`
  const cache = true; // Cache thumbnails in `localStorage`
  const timeout = 5000; // Stop trying to generate a thumbnail if it takes more than 5 seconds. Default: 30s seconds.
  const cacheKeyPrefix = 'myCustomThumbnailCacheKeyPrefix';
  const mime = {
    type: 'image/jpeg',
    quality: 0.5 // Quality is not required for `image/png`
  const thumbnailURI = await videoThumbnail(url, {time, size, type, mime, cache, cacheKeyPrefix, timeout});
  // Do something with `thumbnailURI`

Clearing localStorage cache

videoThumbnail.clearCache() // Clears the thumbnails cached with the default cache key prefix ('video-thumbnail.js')
videoThumbnail.clearCache('myCustomThumbnailCacheKeyPrefix') // Clears the thumbnails cached with the custom cache key prefix 'myCustomThumbnailCacheKeyPrefix'

Data URI vs Object URL?

Data URI

Supported Browsers

The latest version of these browsers is supported:


© 2020 Paul Ellis