

Market App

0x relayer interface for Aragon DAOs

Screenshot of Market UI components


This app is a PoC experimenting with 0x relayer integration for Aragon DAOs and is in a very early alpha stage: do NOT use in production unless you know what you're doing.


git clone https://github.com/proofoftom/aragon-market.git
cd aragon-market
npm install

Run the template

npx aragon run --template Template --template-init @ARAGON_ENS

Running your app

Using HTTP

Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute aragon run every time a change is made.

Changes to the app's background script (app/script.js) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (npm run start:app) or rebuild the script npm run build:script.

Using IPFS

Running your app using IPFS will mimic the production environment that will be used for running your app. npm run start:ipfs will run your app using IPFS. Whenever a change is made to any file in your front-end, a new version of the app needs to be published, so the command needs to be restarted.

What's in this boilerplate?


This boilerplate has the following structure:

├── app
├ ├── src
├ └── package.json
├── contracts
├ ├── CounterApp.sol
├ └── Template.sol
├── migration
├── test
├── arapp.json
├── manifest.json
├── truffle.js
└── package.json

npm Scripts


What you can do with this boilerplate?


You can publish you app on aragonPM. See how in our publish guide.

Note<br> The Template will not be published.

Using a different Ethereum account

You can use a different account to interact with you app. Check the documentation.

Propagate content

You can propagate the content of your app on IPFS. Learn more in our troubleshooting guide or use the aragon ipfs propagate command:

npx aragon ipfs propagate <cid>

Where cid is your content id hash (this will be displayed after publishing).