

<div align="center"> <h1 align="center">SoulWallet Contracts</h1> </div> <div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proofofsoulprotocol/soul-wallet-packages/main/src/assets/logo.svg"> </div>


Repository overview

Below is a brief overview of the repository contracts


"SoulWalletFactory" is a factory contract. It is used to create a new wallet contract. The wallet contract is created using the singleton contract with the CREATE2 opcode, which allows the wallet contract to be created with a deterministic address.


"SoulWalletProxy" is a proxy contract that manages the implementation contract address and is responsible for forwarding delegate calls to the implementation contract. Additionally, users' contract wallet data is stored in the proxy contract.


"SoulWallet" is the implementation contract. It is responsible for the core logic of the wallet

transferOwnerXXThe owner has the ability to replace the signing key, and the guardians (multi-signature contract) can also replace the signing key through social recovery.
setGuardianXThe owner can update the guardians.
preUpgradeToXLet the owner perform a contract upgrade
upgradeXFinalizes an ongoing contract upgrade if the set time period has elapsed. The method is public and can be called by anyone.


"AccountStorage" is a library contract that uses the diamond storage pattern to store data in a particular position in the contract storage.


"GuardianMultiSigWallet" is a multi-signature contract that is used to verify the signatures of the guardians during social recovery. This multi-sig wallet is only deployed on the fly during social recovery, and guardians are only revealed at that point.


"TokenPaymaster" is a paymaster contract that is used to pay gas fees with stablecoins such as USDC, USDT, DAI, etc.


npm run test
npm run deploy:optimisticGoerli


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The developers will not be liable for any damages or losses, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising from the use of or inability to use this software or its related documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
