

<h1 align="center"> <code lang="html">phpup</code><br>The PHP Toolchain </h1>

Phpup is a single-file binary with zero dependencies that includes Composer and other PHP tools. It also allows installing a per-project PHP based on your composer.json.

You don't need to have PHP or anything at all on your system to run it.

[!WARNING] Under heavy development
Currently, this is an MVP, and only macOS aarch64 is supported.


Download phpup binary from the release page and put it into a directory on your PATH, so you can simply call phpup from any directory.

curl -OL https://github.com/pronskiy/phpup/releases/latest/download/phpup
chmod +x phpup
sudo mv phpup /usr/local/bin/phpup



Contributions are very welcome! However, it's recommended to first create an issue describing the idea — let's find the best approach together.

See some ideas in the todo list below.

Build Requirements

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Building Binary

make build



This package entirely relies on https://github.com/static-php and https://github.com/easysoft/phpmicro.