Package containing symmetric and asymmetric key ciphers and attacks
<code>pip install crypto-pkg</code>
Cloned repo
If Installation is done via the GitHub cloned repository
<code>make setup</code>
<ul> <li>Asymmetric Key (PKE)</li> <ul> <li>Textbook RSA</li> <li>DGVH</li> </ul> <li>Symmetric key</li> <ul> <li>AES</li> <li>Modified vulnerable version of AES - AES without shift rows</li> <li>Geffe stream cipher</li> </ul> </ul>Attacks
The following attacks are on know plain text attacks.
<ul> <li>Double encryption attack on AES</li> <li>Key recovery on the modified version of AES</li> <li>Divide and conquer attack on Geffe stream cipher</li> <li>Correlation power analysis on AES</li> </ul>Usage examples are provided in the attacks source code files
<ul> <li>attacks/block_ciphers/</li> <li>attacks/block_ciphers/</li> <li>attacks/stream_ciphers/</li> <li>attacks/power_analysis/</li> </ul>From CLI
<code>crypto attacks modifiedAES --help</code>
<code>crypto attacks geffe --help</code>
<code>crypto attacks AES-double-encryption --help</code>
<code>crypto attacks correlation-power-analysis --help</code>