



proto2asciidoc is a protoc plugin that generates asciidoc documentation from the Protobuffer IDL files.

The goal of the project was to prevent API documentation inconsistenties between the actual API and the docs. By generating the code from the Protobuf definition the documentation is always in sync.

The current version is a plugin, which is a from scratch rewrite of the previous one that generated asciidoc too but parsed the Protobuffer files itself.

Can be used in conjunction with code2asciidoc to produce even more consistent API documentation.


The following options for the plugin can be passed to protoc, the default for everything is off. Ensure the options are comma separated.

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All boolean values are either on or off

OptionAccepted ValueDescription
extensionbooleanEnables the optional Ruby asciidoctor extension for more stylized hyperlinks
collapsiblebooleanWhen enabled the tables produced are collapsible through HTML
restbooleanOutput the REST information for the Service endpoints too
iconsbooleanInstead of string for true and false asciidoc icons are used
sortedbooleanWhen enabled the Services, Enum and Messages are sorted alphabetically vs the
                            order they appear in the file in.                                              |

Optional Extension

This tool assumes the extension in asciidoc/extension will be loaded when using AsciiDoctor.

The following snippet can be used inside a Makefile.

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Of course you have to ensure that the directory is in a location your Makefile can find it.

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# Asciidoctor settings
ASCIIDOC_EXT := -r ./asciidoctor/extensions/proto2asciidoc-inline-macro.rb

The following shows how the README (if on Github) you’re currently reading has been produced.

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Optional formats

    @asciidoctor ${ASCIIDOC_EXT} docs/readme.adoc -b docbook -a leveloffset=+1 -o - | pandoc  --markdown-headings=atx --wrap=preserve -t gfm -f docbook - > README.md


go get github.com/productsupcom/protoc-gen-proto2asciidoc/cmd/protoc-gen-proto2asciidoc