


This demo application was created as part of a presentation made during Bonita Day Paris 2023.


bpmn-visualization features used in this demo:

🔥 Stack:


🎮 Live demo

The live demo is available at ⏩ https://process-analytics.github.io/bonita-day-demo-2023/

It is possible to directly access to a specific use case by providing a query parameter.

Example using the live demo: ⏩ https://process-analytics.github.io/bonita-day-demo-2023/?use-case=case-monitoring

⚒️ Development Setup

Use the node version declared in .nvmrc. You can use a Node version manager like nvm: nvm use

Install dependencies: npm install

Start the dev server: npm run dev

The demo is accessible at http://localhost:5173/

🎨 Code linter

The code should be linted with xo. To have support in your favorite IDE, see the how-to used in IDE documentation.

To lint the code, run npm run lint.

📦 Run as a Docker container

Build the demo:

npm install
npm run build

Build the Docker image

docker build -t process-analytics:bonita-day-demo-2023 .

Start a container (adapt the 3617 value to use another port)

docker run --name pa-bonita-day-demo-2023 -d -p 3617:80 process-analytics:bonita-day-demo-2023

Then you can hit http://localhost:3617 or http://host-ip:3617 in your browser.

For reuse on another machine that doesn't have access to Internet (for instance, for a backup machine in a conference)

docker save --output pa-bonita-day-demo-2023.tar process-analytics:bonita-day-demo-2023
docker load --input pa-bonita-day-demo-2023.tar

NOTE: to reduce the size of the archive, you can gzip it

gzip -k pa-bonita-day-demo-2023.tar

📃 License

The code of this demo is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

🚀 Release how-to

When all updates have been completed, you are ready to publish a new release.

Create a new GitHub release by following the GitHub help

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