

SOUNDSENSE-RS</br><img src="./icons/icon.ico" width="128px" height="128px"></img></br>Soundsense, written in Rust.</br>Build

My attempt at recreating SoundSense, a sound-engine utility for Dwarf Fortress, using Rust.

<p align='center'> <img src="./screenshots/windows-screenshot.png" title='Windows screenshot' width='33%' style="float:left;"> <img src="./screenshots/macos-screenshot.png" title='MacOs screenshot by jecowa' width='33%'> <img src="./screenshots/linux-screenshot.png" title='Ubuntu screenshot' width='32%' style="float:right;"> </p>


  1. To see if I could do it.
  2. Attempt to create a standalone application that doesn't require bloat.

Current Features

Command line arguments


soundsense-rs.exe -l "path/to/gamelog.txt" -p "path/to/soundpack/folder"

This will make soundsense-rs check if there is a file named "ignore.txt" in the current working directory, and will use that file to make the ignore list.

Ignore List

Each line in the ignore list file is considered a regex pattern. If a gamelog message matches any of the patterns, that message is ignored.


(.+) cancels (.+): (.*)(Water|water)(.*)\.

This pattern will make soundsense-rs ignore any cancellations related to water.

The regex pattern uses the regex crate syntax.


You can set the following environment variables to set the logging parameters. (Disabled on Windows releases)

Channel Settings

Read about it here.


Linux: libasound2, libgtk-3, libgdk-3, libwebkit2gtk-4.0, libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0

MIT License

Read it here.

CSS Resources