

<img src="rel3d.gif" align="right" width="30%"/>

Rel3D: A Minimally Contrastive Benchmark for Grounding Spatial Relations in 3D Ankit Goyal, Kaiyu Yang, Dawei Yang, Jia Deng <br/> Neural Information Processing Systems (NeuRIPS), 2020 (Spotlight)

For downloading the dataset and reproducing the results in the paper, use the main repository. This repository contains code for rendering images using the 3D data.

Getting Started

Clone Repository

First clone the repository. We would refer to the directory containing the code as Rel3D_Render.

git clone git@github.com:princeton-vl/Rel3D_Render.git


The code is tested on Linux OS with Python version 3.7. We recommend using a machine with a GPU for faster rendering.

Install Libraries

We recommend you to first install Anaconda and create a virtual environment.

conda create -n rel3d_render python=3.7 -y

Activate the virtual environment and install standard libraries. Make sure you are in Rel3D_Render.

conda activate rel3d_render
conda install opencv -y
conda install scipy -y
conda install pillow -y

Install third-party dependencies including trimesh and fcl:

conda install trimesh -c conda-forge -y
pip install fcl
pip install networkx

Download blender. Our code is tested with blender version 2.81. You can either use the following commands or download blender manually. In case you are using the following commands, make sure you are in the Rel3D_Render folder. In case you download blender manually (i.e. by not using the following commands), you would need to update this line (https://github.com/princeton-vl/Rel3D_Render/blob/master/config.py#L4) with the path where you downloaded blender.

wget https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.81/blender-2.81-linux-glibc217-x86_64.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf blender-2.81-linux-glibc217-x86_64.tar.bz2
rm -rf blender-2.81-linux-glibc217-x86_64.tar.bz2

Download Data

Make sure you are in Rel3D_Render. download.sh script can be used for downloading the data. It also places them at the correct locations. First, use the following command to provide execute permission to the download.sh script.

chmod +x download.sh

The shapes are required for rendering. The following command downloads them and places them at the correct location.

./download.sh shapes

(Optional) You can download our pre-generated data using the following command. It places the data in the data/20200223. For each sample there is a .pkl, .png and .tiff file. The .png and .tiff files store rgb and depth respectively at 720X1280 resolution. Information about object masks, bounding box, and surface normal is stored in the .pkl file.

./download.sh data_raw

If you get error while executing the above command, you can manually download the data using this link. While using the link, make sure you are logged into your Google Accout. After downloading the zip file, you need to extract it and place the extracted 20200223 folder inside the data folder.


The main script for rendering is render_scene.py. The following command can be used to render the entire dataset.

python render_scene.py --output-folder <output_path> render --denoising

The render_scene.py can take the following arguments. They are defined here. Note that one can use any suitable combination of these arguments.

We also provide code for extracting the 3D features which we used in our MLP baseline (Table 1, Column 8-9). These features can be extracted using the transforms.py script with the following command.

python transforms.py --output-folder <output_path> --img-path <img_path>

Here, <output_path> is the folder where the .pkl files are stored and <img_path> is the path of the image for which we want to extract the features. For example, in case one downloaded our pre-generated data using ./download.sh data_raw, one could use the command python transforms.py --output-folder ./data/20200223 --img-path "./data/20200223/behind - Wheel_wheel_3 - Bike_97bb8c467f0efadaf2b5d20b1742ee75 - initialState cam10 rgb.png" to extract features for behind - Wheel_wheel_3 - Bike_97bb8c467f0efadaf2b5d20b1742ee75 - initialState cam10 rgb.png image.

If you find our research useful, consider citing it:

  title={Rel3D: A Minimally Contrastive Benchmark for Grounding Spatial Relations in 3D},
  author={Goyal, Ankit and Yang, Kaiyu and Yang, Dawei and Deng, Jia},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},