

<p align="center"> <img width="300px" alt="" src="./docs/src/readme.png"> </p> <h1 align="center">Primer CSS</h1> <p align="center">The CSS implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System</p> <p align="center"> <a aria-label="npm package" href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@primer/css"> <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@primer/css.svg"> </a> <a aria-label="build status" href="https://github.com/primer/css/actions/workflows/ci.yml"> <img alt="" src="https://github.com/primer/css/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg"> </a> <a aria-label="contributors graph" href="https://github.com/primer/css/graphs/contributors"> <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/primer/css.svg"> </a> <a aria-label="last commit" href="https://github.com/primer/css/commits/main"> <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/primer/css.svg"> </a> <a aria-label="license" href="https://github.com/primer/css/blob/main/LICENSE"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/primer/css.svg" alt=""> </a> </p>


:warning: The documentation of this repo is not maintained anymore. Please raise any documentation-specific pull requests in primer.style/design

Our documentation site lives at primer.style/css. You'll be able to find detailed documentation on getting started, all of the components, our theme, our principles, and more.


This repository is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install @primer/css with this command:

npm install --save @primer/css


The included source files are written in Sass using SCSS syntax. After installing with npm, you can add your project's node_modules directory to your Sass include paths (AKA load paths in Ruby), then import it like this:

@import "@primer/css/index.scss";

You can import individual Primer modules directly from the @primer/css package:

@import "@primer/css/core/index.scss";
@import "@primer/css/product/index.scss";
@import "@primer/css/marketing/index.scss";


See DEVELOP.md for development docs.

Releasing (for GitHub staff)

You can find docs about our release process in RELEASING.md.


MIT © GitHub